Local Departments Assist State to Put Out Fire at Bondi’s Island in Agawam

The smoke you see off in the distance is coming from the fire on Bondi’s Island in West Springfield.
This picture was taken from a drone at approximately 6PM this evening looking south, southeast from Goshen.  Bondi’s Island would be to the right of the picture.  Amherst, Northampton and Hatfield can be seen in the valley to the left of the picture.  If you look closely, the buildings you see in the distance on the left of the picture are from the UMass campus in Amherst.
Dozens of fire departments are on scene (including Chesterfield and Westhampton).  Goshen Fire is not part of the tanker task force because we don’t have a tanker truck. As a result, we will stand by in the event of any major event in the towns that did send resources to fight the fire.
Local news outlets are reporting that this is the largest water relay pumping operation in Hampden County history due to lack of hydrants in the area.

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