LIGHTING STRIKEYesterday afternoon’s storm created a small structure fire. Lightning struck a pine tree (see picture) and extended to a nearby home. Fortunately the home had no one inside and the alarms alerted neighbors.Firefighters entered the basement, performed a quick suppression and ventilation.Williamsburg Fire department was called just in case the fire had extended.


TWO NEW FIREFIGHTERS – WEST AND EDGoshen Fire congratulates two newly trained firefighters.Ed and West have completed the Basic Six Academy with Hampshire county and thereby took the first big step towards making their community safer.The local academy takes approximately 2 months to complete and consists of a lot of weekends. It’s a big impact […]

22nd Annual SAFE Day at New Hingham

22ND SAFE DAY AT NEW HINGHAM ELEMENTARYFirst responders from Hampshire county gathered last Friday to teach, inspire, and celebrate a year’s worth of Safe training.The weather was beautiful and the day went well.There were many stations for students:-Firefighters are friends-Touch a Police vehicle-Police Sidekicks-Fire Engine familiarity-Hazard House-Dialing 911-Ambulances and medical tools-Outdoor fire safety and Smokey […]

Shed Fire in Chesterfield

Chesterfield, MA – Goshen Firefighter were called mutual aid to Chesterfield to aid the suppression of a shed fire located in the backyard of a home. Department members were at a call in Goshen for a partial amputated finger when the call for the fire was received.  Fortunately the patient had just been loaded onto […]

289 Years of Dedication: Fire Chiefs Celebrate Deputy Chief’s Retirement

289 Years of Service – Chief’s Celebrate Retirement Once a month regardless of season, members of the Goshen, Chesterfield, and Williamsburg fire departments get together to drill. Last nights ‘drill’ included hot dogs, hamburgers, kettle corn, cake, and kickball. The real reason we got together was to celebrate the retirement of Goshen’s Deputy Chief Kim […]