TWO NEW FIREFIGHTERS – WEST AND EDGoshen Fire congratulates two newly trained firefighters.Ed and West have completed the Basic Six Academy with Hampshire county and thereby took the first big step towards making their community safer.The local academy takes approximately 2 months to complete and consists of a lot of weekends. It’s a big impact […]

Three New Firefighters Complete Basic 6 Training

SUNDERLAND, MA – Last Sunday, FF Jones, FF Lafond, and FF Rock completed Hampshire County Fire Defense’s Basic Six program.Over 6 weekends these firefighters learned the basics of firefighting operations. Topics included: PPE (personal protective equipment), SCBA (self contained breathing apparatus) use, ICS (incident command system), search and rescue, ladders, and hose lines. Sunday’s course […]

Fit for Testing

GOSHEN, MA – As part of our recent purchase of 14 Dräger Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) units, each Goshen firefighter was required to go through a fit test with their SCBA masks. The main goal of the test is to check for proper sizing of the face piece. During the face-fit test, firefighters must perform […]